Main Content
February 3, 2021
Consent to Take Part in a Research Study
Title of Study: RU Ready to Farm: Getting Rooted in the Garden State
Principal Investigator: William T. Hlubik
This online consent form is part of an informed consent process for a research study and it will provide information that will help you decide whether you want to take part in the study. It is your choice to take part or not. Your alternative to taking part in the research is not to take part in it.
Who is conducting this research study and what is it about?
You are being asked to take part in research being conducted by William T. Hlubik who is a County Agent I/Professor in the Dept. of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Rutgers Cooperative Extension, Rutgers University. The purpose of this study is to develop an understanding of the needs of the New Jersey beginner farmer community so that a training program can be built to meet those needs.
What will I be asked to do if I take part?
You will be asked to complete a survey that asks questions about your farming experience, interest in a variety of agricultural topics, scheduling preferences, and willingness to pay for certain content. The survey will take about 10 minutes to complete.
What are the risks and/or discomforts I might experience if I take part in the study?
We do not anticipate any risks to you from completing the survey. We believe the questions we will ask are not requesting sensitive information. However, if a question makes you feel uncomfortable, or you prefer not to answer, you can skip those questions or withdraw from the study altogether. If you decide to quit the survey your responses will NOT be saved.
Are there any benefits to me if I choose to take part in this study?
There are no immediate direct benefits to you for taking part in this research. However, your responses may help us improve the RU Ready to Farm program, so you may benefit from those improvements if you participate in future program modules.
Will I be paid to take part in this study?
You will not be paid to take part in this study.
How will information about me be kept private or confidential?
This survey will be anonymous, meaning we will not collect your name or any other information that could personally identify you. We will use Qualtrics, an online survey program, to collect and forward your survey responses to us. We will download your anonymous responses to a secure file available only to the research team. The survey data will be retained only until data analysis is complete and study findings are professionally presented or published. Only summarized results will be presented or published.
What will happen to information I provide in the research after the study is over?
Your individual responses will only be saved until the complete results of the study are presented published. The information collected about you for this research will not be used by or distributed to investigators for other research.
What will happen if I do not want to take part or decide later not to stay in the study?
Your participation is voluntary. If you choose to take part now, you may change your mind and withdraw later. In addition, you can choose to skip questions that you do not wish to answer. If you do not click on the ‘submit’ button after completing the survey form, your responses will not be recorded. If you wish to withdraw your responses after you click the submit button, please contact the Principal Investigator.
Who can I call if I have questions?
If you have questions about taking part in this study, or wish to withdraw your responses, you can contact the Principal Investigator:
William T. Hlubik
County Agent I/Professor
Dept. of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Rutgers Cooperative Extension
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Middlesex County EARTH Center
42 Riva Avenue
North Brunswick, NJ 08902
If you have questions about your rights as a research subject, you can contact the IRB Director at 732-235-2866 or the Rutgers Human Subjects Protection Program at 973-972-1149, or email us at
Please print out this consent form if you would like a copy of it for your files.
If you do not wish to take part in the research, close this website address. If you wish take part in the research, follow the directions below:
By beginning this research, I acknowledge that I am 18 years of age or older and have read and understand the information. I agree to take part in the research, with the knowledge that I am free to withdraw my participation in the research without penalty.
Return to the survey and answer “Yes” to question 1 to confirm your agreement to take part in the research.