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Phase 1 – Online Basics
Learn the Fundamentals of Farming and Business
Are you ready to find out if farming is for you?
Phase one of the RU Ready to Farm program is designed to help answer that question through a series of 15 two-hour long online sessions covering the basics of starting a farm business in New Jersey. Gain confidence in your decision and get excited about becoming a New Jersey farmer with behind the scenes farmer guided farm tours, meetings with cooperative extension agents, and more!
- The next course will start in May 2025. Registration will begin in April 2025; click the button below to be notified as soon as registration opens up.
- Registration fee: $500 for 2025 Session
- Course topics include business planning, crop and site selection, equipment choice and use, plant disease and pest issues, marketing, and more.
- Gain access to top quality resources designed to help you develop your farm business.
- Completion of the online training is a prerequisite for acceptance into Phase 2 On-Farm Training.
Phase 2 – Farm Training
Get Your Hands Dirty!
Let’s put that new farming knowledge into practice!
Phase two of the RU Ready to Farm Program consists of a combination of online and in person classes, in addition to on-site work days as you and your fellow cohort members collectively run a CSA. Move through a season in small plot diversified crop farming as you take the CSA from planning through harvest and delivery. Simultaneously, work with program staff and a farm coach to develop your own farm business plan.
- Those who have completed Phase 1 – Online Basics will be eligible to apply for this course.
- Registration fee: $1200 for individuals and $2000 for partners for the 2025 season
- Participants who perform well in this phase will be eligible to apply for the Phase 3-Farm Business Incubator.
Phase 3 – Farm Business Incubator
Launch your Farm Business
Take that farm business plan off of paper!
Phase three of the RU Ready to Farm program provides you with access to the land and/or resources that you need to implement your farm business plan and begin to develop your market and customer base. Participants in the incubator will have the opportunity to rent land at a market rate and/or, if you have your own land, take advantage of business support and assessment services. You will be fully responsible for implementing your business plan, but will receive advice and feedback from program staff as you take the final step in becoming a successful New Jersey farmer.
- Fees: $150 for a quarter acre, $300 for a half an acre.
- Select graduates of the Phase 2 – CSA Training will be invited to participate in Phase 3.
- Incubatees will be expected to meet predetermined revenue targets to ensure that they are taking full advantage of this land access opportunity.